What are Meditation and Mindfulness

Meditation is a secular practice of focus and concentration that leads to unbiased knowledge. The meditation practice starts with calming the mind and the body by concentrating on a single point, usually the breath. There are several different techniques but the most common is by using your breath as it is also a carrier element that connects the mind and body into a more balanced and calm state. After you dominate your ability to calm your mind, using various techniques, you work towards acquiring different skills and knowledge about managing emotions, reactions, relationships, social interactions, and decision-making.

Since the ’70s, in the West, meditation has been extensively scientifically studied and successfully used as a resource to help treat chronic symptoms of stress, and physical and psychological conditions such as depression, addiction, anxiety, obesity, diabetes, and insomnia.

Mindfulness is a mental state that is calm and attentive, in spite of internal or external sensations. It can be accomplished through the practice of meditation or any other contemplative practice like Yoga, QiGong, and Tai Chi. It has been widely connected with wellness, quality of life, better decision making and emotional resilience. In order to reach a day-to-day state of mindfulness, frequent meditation or contemplative practice is necessary. Like going to the gym to strengthen your muscles, meditation strengthens your mind.